
We Got You Covered

We proudly offer compensation for a variety of recyclable materials, from metals to plastics, promoting responsible waste management and environmental sustainability. If you have items that don’t qualify for compensation we’ve got you covered too. Our state-of-the-art garbage dump provides a convenient solution for environmentally conscious disposal. While some materials may not meet the criteria for purchase, we encourage you to bring them to Recyco’s dump, ensuring proper disposal in an eco-friendly manner. Your dedication to responsible waste management aligns with our mission, and we’re here to support your efforts every step of the way. Join us in making a positive impact on the planet by choosing Recyco for both compensated recyclables and responsible waste disposal.

Best Rates in town for accepted materials!

We will accept a large variety of materials

Responsible Recycling Practices

Open 7 Days a Week

(559) 255-9500

4585 E Olive Ave, Fresno, CA 93702

The Recycling Process

Recyclables are accepted at our various Recycling Centers, where they are washed, packaged, and shipped to processings stations

At processing stations, recycles are melted down and reformed to recycled stock ready to be reused.

At various factories recycled stock is reused as needed.

Accepted Materials

The Following Materiasl are Accepted at Recyco:


Cans, Plastics and Container Glass

Non-Ferrous Scrap Metals

Aluminium, Copper, Brass, Lead… etc.

Automotive Batteries

 Any Size or Condition!

Non-CRV Container Glass

Food & Beverage containers only.

Full Service Recycling Center

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Call us today

559 255 9500
